What Parents/Carers say about St Mary's .....
"Well done St Mary's, you are light years ahead of other Sussex schools, those schools and East Sussex County Council are incredibly lucky that St Mary's offers a high standard of professional services."
"We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff that look after our son so well at St Mary’s and look forward to our Annual Review. We would like to extend our gratitude to the teaching staff, everyone in therapy, well-being, residential staff and transport team. We conclude that our son is very happy, settled at St Mary’s and that we feel he is in the correct educational placement for him in all the areas of his EHCP, including having an appropriate peer group to learn and grow up alongside."
"We are extremely happy with St Mary's. The difference in our son since he began at St Mary’s is amazing, we are very grateful he is at St Mary's and the school recognised the potential in him. A special thanks to the North Lodge team for the support over the last year which has been life changing for us all."
"This is the first time in our son's education journey he is making progress. He has grown in confidence, he will talk about friends at home and is able to vocalise his own opinion. This is the first annual review ever he has met targets. St Mary’s have achieved in a couple of months what no other school has ever been able to do before. We are so grateful to St Mary’s for the guidance and support given to our son and thankful he is at St Mary’s."
"In just a few days we have already noticed a significant change in our son and his wellbeing since being at St Mary's. He comes home and will talk about the things he has done in his day, he talks about other pupils and friends which he has never done before. He is communicating more every day. We are really grateful and feel very lucky he is part of St Mary’s"